
Late Updates

Boat in Field
One thing about going away every weekend to a photogenic location, is that processing the pictures I take starts to backlog. To get 20 pictures up on flickr takes me about 2 hours of downloading, processing, and uploading. One of the things I've done to hopefully aleviate that system is buy a mac. Just a cute little iBook, but it comes with iPhoto, which should do most of the steps of my downloading and processing all in one.

The PEI trip was awesome! Ines was the greatest host ever, and we did a whirlwind tour of the island. I got to see lots of lighthouses, wind turbines, beaches, and potato fields from tip to tip. I took almost 500 pictures, and am still in the process of going through them. I'll have more online within a week or so I hope.

Wes and I's trip to Michigan was also a blast. Camping the night before was funny, we had way too much fun drawing pictures with a flashlight and my camera on long exposures. We're definitely going to have to do them again. The race was awesome. It was very loud, and actually being there gives a much better sense of how fast they are going than seeing it on tv. (300 km/h!!!!) More pictures will be coming from there as well.


Anonymous said...

the sign says jaime.... g!

Bradtholomew said...

Nascar! hahaha. You're neck's a little red there Martin...

Martin Cathrae said...

oh it's red like a fox. but not half as red as some of the people we saw there. ;)