
Back to School

Chickadee Golfing
Well, the kids have gone back to school. What does this mean to me?

I can't believe how much busier the roads are while biking in to work, I guess I'd gotten used to minimal traffic over the summer. It's hard to believe the increase is only due to people being driven to school.

Interestingly (to me anyway) I'm headed back to take a course this fall. It's a drawing course for people who think (or know in my case) they can't draw. It's at Mohawk, so I'm going to have to get my butt in gear and get a parking pass and the supplies for the course before it starts in a couple weeks. It's going to be interesting though, for one thing to be back in a class environment after more than 3 years, and taking a drawing course, which will be completely new for me.

I had something else I wanted to complain about, but I forget. If I remember I just may post again!


Bradtholomew said...

Drawing? You'll have to post some of your... "art". heh. I'm gonna take a wild guess here, and say you're gonna draw kung-fu stick people. Am I right or what?

Anonymous said...

I heard that you were only taking the class because you get to sketch naked ladies every other week ;)

Anonymous said...

This has nothing to do with drawing...but my mother said that she googled herself (for whatever strange reason) and your blog came up. Took me this long to go looking myself...nice work on the pictures.

Bradtholomew said...
