
New Music Thursday!

CBC Radio 3 has done something that makes me very happy. They now allow me to embed the R3 player in my page. I can also pick a song to have queue'd up, or a playlist. One of these days I'll add my playlist to the side, so if anyone wants to have a listen to what I'm finding interesting, it'll be there.

For now, I will post a single artist and song. If this works out, I will try to make this a weekly post. I hope you enjoy!

For this week, I want you to have a listen to someone who will be in PEI next month. He hails from Windsor, ON, and has a catchy twang I can't get out of my head. This is Ron Leary, and his song The Road In Between. (hit the play button to listen)

I can't wait to see him in September.


anonymousRN said...

Neat little find. Nice music. Welcome back to your blog. :)

Martin Cathrae said...

thank you, and I'm glad you enjoyed it!

Bob VE3MPG said...

Very glad to see you're writing again Martin. Always enjoyed your musings.

Missed you at the 'reunion'.

Martin Cathrae said...

Yeah, I would have liked to have gone, but it's an expensive flight home in the summertime. :(